Where can I get an application to become a licensed Residential Builder in South Carolina?
Contact the Residential Builders Commission at 803-896-4696 and request that an application form be mailed to you or download one at www.llr.state.sc.us/pol/residentialbuilders click on applications/forms then click Builder application.
Once I have my builder application, what is the next step?
You must submit the completed application to the Residential Builders Commission along with an affidavit of one year of work experience (Section C) signed by a licensed Residential Builder or General Contractor and a $100 application processing fee.
I’ve heard in South Carolina I need to take my exam BEFORE sending an application, is this true?
Unlike the Residential Contractor License, the Building Contractor License requires you to take and pass your Trade and Law exams prior to submitting your application to the Board.
Can I serve as a Qualifier for two separate companies at one?
Yes, the Qualifying person must sign an affidavit stating they meet all of the qualifications required by the Board. Section 40-11-230.
For the financial qualifications section, can I submit a bond instead of a financial statement?
No, only a financial statement is allowed.
Does it matter if I take my trade exam or business law exam first? Do I have to take them at the same time?
You can take either test at any time, in any order.