- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Georgia
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Nevada
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- U.S. Virgin Island
- Utah
- Virginia
- West Virginia
NASCLA is the acronym and common name for the National Association of State Contractors Licensing Associations. The purpose of NASCLA is to protect the health, welfare and safety of the general public by actively promoting excellence in the regulation of the construction industry, educating and examining contractors, and espousing integrity throughout the business.
NASCLA’s activities cover every aspect of excellence in construction, from education to legislation. Perhaps its most important offering overall is its Accreditation Examination. Contractor licensing is conducted by state agencies. Each state’s licensing requirements typically differ from the others to some extent. Contractors who work across state lines must be licensed in multiple states. It would be unreasonable to expect that system to change – at least not in our lifetime. But NASCLA is working toward a solution to that pesky problem while, at the same time, striving to standardize regulations where it makes sense to do so. By taking the NASCLA exam, you are able to take that license to any state that participates in the NASCLA program.
The best way to explain the NASCLA Accreditation Exam may be to first explain what it is not. It is not a national license. It is, however, a standardized examination that is recognized by a growing number of state agencies. This is an open book test and is administered by PSI Exam Services. A 70% score or higher is required to pass. If you have passed the NASCLA Exam, participating state agencies will accept your NASCLA results in lieu of having you take their individual state exams. Individual state licensing requirements still apply. Once you pass the NASCLA Exam your results will be stored in a national database, which state agencies may access to confirm your status, so that you do not have to waste precious time and energy prepping for and taking unnecessary multiple exams. The Accreditation Examination is just the beginning of NASCLA’s efforts to make your life easier.
We are proud to offer all the books, live seminars, at home CD study courses as well as online courses a candidate will need to pass the exam. Please call us for more information or check out our FAQs section